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Old 04-25-2007, 06:44 PM   #1
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Poems by Santabot

Criticism is open, but please don't come here if you want to argue, this is about the only topic I don't really want it in, comment on the work itself and not related to me, thank you!

F*ck off!

Lost in a vast sea of invented grave ideas,
Which is yours to decide, and tell me who am I?
Experts tell only lies, their agenda is best kept from our eyes,
Can't you tell my emotion? Or shall I remove my disguise?

If you were to make grounds, a new discovery,
Avert your gaze from those rambling, in poverty.
Surely there's no sense to their uneducated words,
While the media asserts baseless claims and the unsolved

The key to the door is under the false welcome mat,
Your dreams are next to the eight ball, hiding under the hat;
Hopping frantically away, over the border and out of sight,
As the unknown devil devours your children's minds at night.

Laws and regulations printed by obfuscating linguists,
Fresh off the mill, made by Mother Nature's ignorant rapist.
The only freedoms you've got are granted by Miranda,
Eschew the media sources, it's still propaganda.

Make your precious, uneducated vote, and make it quick,
Your time spent at work is measured only by the clock's tick.
You've got a grip of countless, worthless dollar bills,
All you need is a government tag to get your cheap thrills.

Make your choice, consider all of your options,
There's new devices of all kinds, from clocks to watches.
We've been branded the same, from top hat to bell bottom,
No matter your selection, you're still persona non grata.

Pick and choose your vices, they're a rare commodity,
Nobody has them, of course, but the divine non-profit agency.
I'll read the books that I believe suit me best,
Just, please, get off my ****ing chest.

Don't Give Them Up

Life and race run parallel ventures,
One moves forward, the other never progresses;
People may change their views, most just double-crossing,
Hiding under their bedsheets, insecurity covered in frosting.
The sugary goodness the government churns out for you,
Leaving only a task for physicians to undo.
Unbuckle your saddle, your cheap chastity belt,
Wimper as the government ****s you, or just slowly melt.
There's only one road to the top, paved in priceless gold,
The one way to traverse it, is to abandon your soul.
Don't give up your seemingly hopeless pursuits,
Take life for a free fall and die, or use your parachute.


Don’t you realize the lies under the guise once prophesized?
Engrossed is the size of the eyes of these spies lurking in
the antagonizing crypt of eternal demise.
You must surmise you’ve been hypnotized by the lies of these
shadowy guys,
Nigh are the times that he’ll try to rise above your ability
to criticize,
Inept to combat the foes who amortize your means to monetize
yourself and bastardize their means to devitalize.
Analyze the situation before you’re crystallized in a
commercialized attempt to decriminalize the lies under the
colonized effort to centralize.
Mortify the fake prize being empathized by dogmaticized
euthanizers and exorcize these idolized fools to harmonize
our need for institutionalized guides to live by.
"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin

Last edited by Santabot; 04-28-2007 at 05:33 PM.
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:10 PM   #2
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Aw, no comment.
"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:03 PM   #3
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You did say you wrote these right? I found them to be both intriguing and disturbing. You are talented. Ever consider going into a creative writing field?
Of course chemical engineering does pay much better....unless you write a best seller!
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:08 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Pocahontas
You did say you wrote these right? I found them to be both intriguing and disturbing. You are talented. Ever consider going into a creative writing field?
Of course chemical engineering does pay much better....unless you write a best seller!
I plan on (and am currently in the brainstorming process) of writing my own autobiography (way along the road, just a goal I hope to set to record a lot of my life in a specific manner) and most likely some other books of various topics.

As I said before, I hope to get a degree in chemical engineering, and later law, philosophy, literature, and others. I wish I could spend a lot of my life around schools, they're the best place to me.
"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin
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Old 04-27-2007, 04:27 PM   #5
cosmo kramer
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Do you perhaps go to Caddo Magnet? Just wondering...
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:21 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by cosmo kramer
Do you perhaps go to Caddo Magnet? Just wondering...
Why? I've had multiple people ask me that, but I'm just wondering why people would need to know, because as much information as I've given out already, giving out my school or any other information would probably lead to people being dumb. I never said I went to magnet, I just said I went to a good school here, and I won't indicate which just for privacy reasons, for now.
"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:23 PM   #7
cosmo kramer
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Hey, just wondering because I know Magnet is involved with the arts and you are an accomplished writer. Not trying to pry too much in your private information, I just know there are a lot of smart kids at Magnet.
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:25 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Santabot
Why? I've had multiple people ask me that, but I'm just wondering why people would need to know, because as much information as I've given out already, giving out my school or any other information would probably lead to people being dumb. I never said I went to magnet, I just said I went to a good school here, and I won't indicate which just for privacy reasons, for now.
Santabot I think the reason people are asking is that you seem very smart and by your writing and computer skills a very high IQ unlike other bumbles on this board. I understand why you would not want to have personal info posted here and I would hope you keep it that way. I am impressed with your poems but not with all the content. I hope you will do good in school and learn from your mistakes like all of us should do.
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:33 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Santabot I think the reason people are asking is that you seem very smart and by your writing and computer skills a very high IQ unlike other bumbles on this board. I understand why you would not want to have personal info posted here and I would hope you keep it that way. I am impressed with your poems but not with all the content. I hope you will do good in school and learn from your mistakes like all of us should do.
That's why I'm here; people seem to forget, as is human nature to become accustomed to people being "used to" something, that you have to make those mistakes to first know that they're wrong. If I never made mistakes, and only listened to people who told me what my mistakes would eventuate to, I wouldn't maybe have a little more trouble finding it out myself, but I also wouldn't really have a solid memory or reason in my head as to why not to do something, and would become stubborn and ignorant to the fact because I would only be thinking purely off of hypothetical and imaginative memory.

Not really on topic, but I've noticed recently how our entire system of.. everything.. is tied to the simple concept of honesty. If you were a small child and somebody told you the state of New York was on the Moon, who would you be the wiser? Even if everyone had personally visited every square inch of the world, AND memorized everything about it, things still change constantly over time, and we really can't do anything except calculate (numbers are imaginative, also) in our brains how certain things we think take place go about.

It's really very strange how even one lie can change an entire person's "life" into something entirely different than before, or change many over the course of history. A quote from Orville Wright: "If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance." Meaning.. we need to completely mindf*ck ourselves (sorry for terminology) and break our entire system of thinking in order to find truths.. truths which will eventually be changed and found false over time.

Very perplexing.
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Old 04-28-2007, 05:30 PM   #10
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Wrote another I thought of in the shower


To live a life without your sight,
I believe it would be best.
No constant visual harassment
from other people or the press.
No shattered bones or broken homes,
subtract the art of war;
No necessity to work for your life,
no activity becomes a bore.
Without the racist corporate world,
what can you push yourself to do?
Just hear the truth inside your head
from living people just like you.

But if you took another step
and lost your way of hearing, too,
There would no more growing need
for the facts that media wants to skew.
You'll no longer have ideas of relevance
because you dwell in precious innocence,
Your world is neither round nor flat,
to complete your death, take your first glimpse.
Understanding what it is to be a human
has been evolved by bigoted evil lies,
Your only choice is to be bombarded
by bull**** in your ears and eyes.

With only thoughts and feeling,
taste buds with no connection,
How can you stand to live a life
derailed from government direction?
With no labor force to support her needs,
the ignorant *****, Society, will fall to her knees.
Stand up for what you believe is right,
Eschew the concepts clearly in your sight.
What becomes of you when you take your last breath?
A funeral and a new baby, to finish what you've left.
"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin
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Old 04-28-2007, 11:51 PM   #11
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no feedback on my latest?
"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin
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