Estonia Under-Secretary of Defense: Cyber-Hacking crippled his Country
The Hon. Lauri Almann: The Cyber Symposium is important to the World
By: Tom Pace, Executive Editor, SBLive!
November 29th, 2007
When Estonia was cyber-attacked by hundreds of thousands of computers across the world, the little country was literally cut-off economically from the rest of the Cyber World, for nearly a month, the Honarable Lauri Almann, Under-Secretary of Defense for Estonia, told SBLive!’s Tom Pace.
That’s why this first-ever Cyber Symposium held in Shreveport, Louisiana
Was so vitally important to the world economy, defense, both military and private sector applications, Almann went on to say.
Almann praised the United States for its immediate response and help in getting Estonia back “on-line”…concluding with a big “Thank You.”
Click here to listen to the complete interview.